Monday, August 11, 2008

Eco-Friendly Invitations

I recently went to a group survey about sustainability. The study was conducted by a research organization calledThe Hartman Group; we just talked about what sustainability meant to us, what was important to us, and what we're currently doing to be good citizens. I have to say it was a powerful experience, and I'm starting to take a serious look at the way I live...and the way I do business. I am definitely committed to making The Paper Nut a sustainable company. Here's some role models who are doing things the green way:

Green Paper Company...


Earthly Affair...



1 comment:

BrittWilk said...

okay, emery totally wants a blabla doll. too cute.

and i took em, jacob, emma and abe to the lv springs preserve the other day. the "sustainability gallery" really got me thinking as well. i kind of like that gas prices have gotten higher because it gets everyone not only thinking about these things, but taking them seriously! :)